Calculates the DG to fold the proteins from their unfolded state. The minimal configuration file for Stability is:
command=Stability pdb=ST.pdb
It can be run from the command line:
FoldX --command=Stability --pdb=ST.pdb
FoldX uses output-file as a tag to label different outputs from different commands in batch runs. After running Stability you'll get one file to look at. Given output-file="TAG" the output file is:
TAG_ST.fxout -> calculates the different DG energy terms of folding the protein
If you don't set output-file, TAG will be the pdbId of the first pdb on the batch. Output file contains the Gibbs energy of protein folding decomposed into the different terms used by FOLD-X. This file will have different headers and then rows (one for each PDB run) with the energy decomposition in Kcal/mol, the different columns are described below in the table Energy Terms: